cresent moon, crescent moon, you have turned chillier, you shine brighter, you’re letting time by like a broken yo-yo, you’ve upset the leaves and sent them whirling, i don’t even want your apples, moon. i want you to go away and give me the sun again.
The term "self-aggrandizing windbag" came to me vicariously through my sister. I think I know who invented it and I think I know who instigated the invention...but we need not go there. In any case, in creating my blog I want to avoid sounding like a "self-aggrandizing windbag." I only hope that those who read it can find some cool stuff on here. I want to share things I'm excited about or worked up over or dumbfounded by. Mostly I want to share things I love-maybe you'll love some of them too!
i like this.